Manager’s Message

With immense pleasure, I welcome you to be a part of our Institution.

Education is the backbone of every nation and is the stepping stone for a country to cut the niche of its kind in a developing nation. The tremendous recent changes in the current scenario preset both challenges and opportunities in the field of education. The whole purpose of education is not to confine itself to provide academic knowledge only, but to inculcate humanitarian values such as integrity, courage, sincerity and compassion among the students. We trust in holistic education for our students, encompassing academics, co-curricular activities, sports education and other skills.

We at Shibli National College take pride in being a student driven, participative and democratic Institute – with the students having as much authority and responsibility as the management in the affairs of the Institute. Various departments of our college accommodate enthusiastic students willing to learn and dedicated faculty committed to provide quality education through teaching learning process.

I would like to conclude my message with the quote of Albert Einstein, “Education is not the learning of Facts, but the training of minds to think,” which for me is the maxim of learning.

Online Counselling 2024-25