Mission & Vision


  • To promote and advance the cause of higher education through innovative teaching methods and research in such branches of knowledge as Shibli National College can continue to develop core competencies for the evolving needs of India. Especially the marginalized communities.
  • To provide opportunities for higher education in such branches of knowledge as may be deemed appropriate primarily at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels, fully consistent with the concept and vision of Shibli National College.
  • To bring state-of-the art facilities to the institution for research and education.
  • To implement mechanisms in education and research at par with international standards.
  • To inculcate moral values and work ethics in students to become responsible citizens.


  • Acquiring knowledge is obligatory.
  • To preserve, and disseminate knowledge by achieving the highest level of excellence at par with the best institutions in the world.
  • To equip our students with not just skills but also inculcate in them with the human values that they should carry with themselves for their own and for the society at large.
  • To provide affordable quality education, while equipping students with knowledge and skills in their chosen stream, inculcate values, identify hidden talents.
Online Counselling 2024-25